The Boat Electrics Bible
Features and Updates
Features and Updates
Astro Navigation from Home is my new book on a subject that fascinates me.  In writing all the technical content, I wanted to create a new approach to learning the topic that would show more clearly how the whole position fix process actually works, especially when learning astro navigation from home.  I searched for planetarium apps that would simulate the sextant, finding two alternatives Stellarium and Winstars 3, allowing meaningful sights to be taken on your computer, tablet or phone.  Using one or other of the apps is not necessary for the book and its examples but they greatly enhance the learning process, allowing you to forward plan the sights you will need on a given day and locating the heavenly bodies in the sky, both of which are just as important as the number crunching itself.  In replacing the sextant, they make the complete navigation process accessible to you in your own space and in your own time.  This web site supports the book with useful articles, downloads and worked examples, for instance download No. 2 lists all the web addresses for the apps, almanacs and tables you will need.  Click on more info below for more information about the book's content.
Astro Navigation from Home
Articles and Downloads
Astro Navigation
Weather data at sea
Introduction to Celestial Navigation
(If you are just at the beginning …)
Latest addition :
Astro process flow charts

Celestial navigation at your fingertips

Celestial navigation at your fingertips
Comparing "Astro Navigation from Home" process to that of a sextant on board
Sextant on board your vessel :


DR Position based on
previous fix

Select heavenly bodies :
Best 3 stars
Sun / Moon / Planets

Out on deck with sextant and deck clock

Take sights :
note altitudes and sight times
Astro navigation
from home :


Choose vessel's
Actual Position(AP) -
Enter into app

DR Position
Chosen near to AP

Select heavenly bodies :
Best 3 stars
Sun / Moon / planets

Find a comfy armchair with
your phone, tablet or laptop

Enter date and nominal sight time into app and set running

Take sights :
note altitudes and sight times
and now :
2024 tables & examples.
TeacupNav software update
Featured articles :-
1. Weather data at sea
2. Introduction to Astro
Featured articles :-
1. Introduction to Astro
Process flowcharts